Saturday, May 12, 2012

This high tunnel tomato is pretty amazing for May 12. We should have our first tomato's in the next few weeks.

This is a happy baby peach tree. All of our orchard is full of fruit.

It may be to hot for these to fully develop but baby beet greens are good to eat.

our broccli made great plants it is to bad there is very little broccli. I know you can eat the leaves but it is not the same.

Our high tunnel cucumbers. We have asian, white and hybrid

Our outside garden May 12. It is about an acre

There are lots of grapes on the grape vines this year

We found this high tunnel trellis system through the university of MN website.The  tomato's are indeterminate and will continue to grow through out the year. They will reach the top of the trellis system.

Kasumi cabbage

this baby is one of our asain cucumbers in the high tunnel. Asian cucumbers are always sweet never seedy. They are kind of like an english cucumber but they like the heat.

Our squash plants May12. We hope to have summer  squash in the net 3 to 4 weeks. We have 7 summer squashes and 2 winter squashes planted.

I am trying to figure out how to hide this little wonder so I can eat it myself. It looks to small to share!

rasberries planted this spring

little salsa pepper
Hi, my name is Kelly Krejci and this is our family farm. My husband and I, wanting to fulfill a life long dream of living on a farm, moved to Lawrence Kansas about 6 1/2 years ago. Our family consists of my husband, myself, our seven children, soon to be 2 grandchildren, 2 dogs, 2 horses etc. We still have three boys at home ages 13, 15, and 16. All of our children live in the area except my son Alex who is at Vanderbilt studying physics. All of our kids help on the farm in varying ways. Heather the oldest keeps our facebook pages. Jason, our oldest son, does our research and development. Daniel's wife Sawn designed our logo. Alex does my website and even came back to help put up the high tunnels. The three youngest boys mow, weed, or what ever we can get them to do.  I raise Persian kittens. Who doesn't want to spend the day playing with kittens? My husband, Jerry, installs shutters to pay the bills in his real life. In his fantasy world all he would do is plant trees, raspberries, raises piglets, etc. This blog is about us building our fantasy life. I will take just a minute to encourage everyone to live their dreams; it is never too late to redefine your life. The only true failure in your life will be the things you did not try. If two city people can move and try farming at our age it is not to late for anyone. Lets get started with what we have growing today.

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